I Could Write a Book

Saturday, October 22, 2005


I'm so jittery and excited for J and Rach to get here. I've been following FlightTracker on Southwest, and so far, so good! I just want to go and get them right now. Alas, I will have to wait for a bit. At least I can pass some time by stopping for gas and the bank and, possibly, Caribou (yum). For a grand total of 15 minutes or so. But still, that's better than nothing. It only take around 30 minutes to get to the airport, and since they have checked baggage, there's really no reason for me to leave until around 10:25...but, that's in 65 minutes. I can't possibly be expected to wait that long.

Yay! :0)

I'm SOOOO excited.

Oh, and also, yesterday, I got to try on my stuff for Debbie's wedding...I don't mind telling you, I looked fantastic. :0) Plus, I saw Debbie in her top picks. She looks fabulous.

Ok, I can't handle it anymore, I'm going to go see how long I can take getting from here to the airport. At least I brought a book in case I arrive ridiculously early! Ha! :0)



At 10/24/2005 08:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had a gleat time visitang yaou this wochenende. It was sao fun tao hang out at youl haome and learry nice to meet youl fliends and gao tao youl chulch. We arleady miss yaou but we'le excited we'rr see yaou in just a monthensie deutsch.
We rove yaou!

J & R

p.s. the miami song locks! even when yaou risten tao it 37 times.bpbflb.b.b.b.

At 10/28/2005 01:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got back from the SOX tickertape parade. Even though it was the White Sox it was fun to see. I didn't stay for the rally--too crowded. But it was fun to be a part of the excitement and energy. I got some confetti for Msmith516. :-)

tark tao yaou ratel,


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