I am in Cleveland this weekend for the first time in a couple of months. Chloe has been as purry as ever...she hasn't left me at all (and is laying right next to me as I type this, in fact). I haven't done very much today--I worked on my take home midterm for Doctrine, I finished up a mini-presentation for next Thursday, and I read a little bit for NT01. Also, I added somewhere around 450 songs to my itunes...to be transferred to my ipod upon return to Pittsburgh.
Apparently this is the weekend for activities. I have gotten 7 voicemails so far--3 from people who were rather random in their wanting to hang out. Brett, for example, called to play MarioKart sometime this weekend. I thought this was more weird until I recalled that Sarina (Brett's wife) is in Mississippi this weekend helping clean up. Also, Rus called and wanted me to meet up with the gang at Hemingway's. And April called about some shindig at the Kellers' house. Obviously, I'm here and uninterested in attending any events.
Race For The Cure is tomorrow morning...we will depart in the wee small hours...It's always a good experience.
Then, I'm going to head back to Pittsburgh, but not without stopping in Boardman for a couple of hours to catch up with Peg. I saw both she and Ash last night at Charge Conference (and met the new D.S., Orlando Chaffee), but a meeting doesn't exactly create a "catching up" sort of atmosphere. So, I'll stop by tomorrow, then get back sometime in the early evening. And, as Brian is out of town until Sunday sometime, Debbie and I are going to have a girl's night. A much-needed one. It's midterms, and everyone is feeling it.
I'm all for some sort of cheezy movie and comfy clothing and something dangerous for dinner. :0)
My sister and niece will be here in just over 2 weeks, and nothing is more exciting than that right now! I just can't wait. :0)
People on campus are funny. The type of interaction I have with some of the people on campus this year is markedly different from last year...for the most part, this is a positive thing.
Oh, and Tuesday is National Coming Out Day, which has the campus all in a frenzy. Apparently people are surprised by the fact that people disagree on the merit (or not) of this particular event. Um...duh.
Mom and I are now playing "Name That Tune" with my playlist. Soon, we'll watch a movie. Ahh...bumming around...
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