This just in--another grade returned. This time, Doctrine. Grade? A! :0)
So, I am now forced to admit something rather troubling because far too many people have been pointing it out lately...
So...here goes: My eyes give me away 100% of the time. I couldn't lie if I wanted to! Everything I think, everything I feel, everything I wish to say but, out of respect or whatever don't--it still gets said with my eyes.
Some people express themselves with their smile or their eyebrows or their entire face as one entity. Apparently, I could as easily explain my thoughts even sans other facial features.
Most recently, I got an email asking if something made sense to me, followed up with the comment, "I can't see your eyes, or I would know." A little over a month ago, I had a little game wherein I thought of a set of certain things and a friend of mine would actually be able to tell which thing I was thinking about and when, based solely on the look in my eyes. I guess they keep me honest.
I am not in an especially good mood today--I've been thinking a lot about Grampa and Gramma--but I'm trying to be optimistic. After all, there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. I think that Field Ed. has really been helpful for me in dealing with this because I have done a good bit of visitation and it's somehow made things seem to be a little bit easier. I don't know if I'm less afraid and/or more confident or what, but I'm grateful for whatever it is that is helping me to feel more at peace.
Also, having Christology and Pastoral Care back to back is fantastic. I am very envigorated by that dialogue!
Anyway, off to MS02 and work.
Bye :0)
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