list happy. happy list.
I love lists. They make me smile. I am in the process of making a detailed list that indicates all of my activities, meetings, etc. through Dec. 16. It is gratifying to make the list, indeed, but even moreso to cross things off!
Perhaps that is why I'm busy all of the time--I like to be able to cross off as many things as I possibly can!
Anyway, today has been fantastic so far, and it's only 1 p.m.! I woke up to shower and whatnot, and had a few extra minutes before needing to leave for class. I checked my email and had stuff from 3 wonderful people, so that was exciting.
**brief interupption: Elaine just imed me to let me know she had a dream on Thanksgiving that I got married! Her subconcious must know something I don't...:0)**
Then I went to class and had a great time--Prophets & Psalms with Dr. Creach. I know I'm a nerd, but I'm really excited about this class...and Job (which meets on Wednesdays).
This afternoon, I'm going down to Mercy Hospital to visit one of the people that Dave and I have seen on several occasions. It will be my first solo visitation experience, but I think it will be good.
Then, I'm going to seek out Jim, who emailed me to tell me that he'll be on campus this afternoon! It will be the first time I've seen him since Israel, so it will be nice to catch up for a few minutes. He's going to be here next Thursday as well (for Dr. Tappy's presentation), but I am fairly certain that our conversation will be somewhat limited at that time.
Later on, I have a meeting at the Beehive down on the Southside with Keith and...I don't know who else. He invited me to be on the planning committee for an upcoming event he's planning. I'm really excited about this outreach opportunity, so I was pleased that he offered. Then, of course, I will finish my homework and continue on my Christmas cards!
I'm sensing that it's a good time for me to list 10 things that make me happy...though it might be an extended list this week, as I'm very happy. So, here goes:
1. Being back here (I didn't think I was ready for it, but, as it turns out, I am!)
2. My new hair
3. All of the fun things coming up
4. Making lists
5. Spending time with family
6. Rach saying "That's you...That's mullett."
7. Making plans for New Orleans
8. I get to go back to Israel!
9. Pumpkin ice cream
10. Christmas cards :0)
11. Holiday festivities
12. Getting back in touch with people
13. When Harry Met Sally
14. Laughing from the gut
15. Finally having a clue about my future, and being excited about it
16. Finally having a clue about my master's thesis/possible advisor, and being excited about it
17. I don't have to drive in the snow today! Hurray!
18. Christmas is coming!!!
19. It's almost December, which means that it's just over 10 months until my birthday (yes, I keep count for that long).
20. I had yum leftover Thanksgiving food for lunch again today.
21. My apartment isn't a total disaster...yet
22. Michelle & Lauren here this Saturday, Johanna next Saturday, and possibly Alyssa, Marcy, and Lindsey here the Saturday after that!
23. It's sunny right now. :0)
24. My 2 book purchases at SBL were great choices
25. I have well over 25 reasons to be happy! :0)
Ok, off to go do fun things. Bye! :0)
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