Well, I tried to go to bed nearly two hours ago, but I'm up and sick--I'm not sure if it's from dinner or from the new medication I got at the hospital today, but either way, I'm incredibly uncomfortable. This would be less of an issue if I didn't have a final at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
With all that being said, today hasn't been such a bad day, though it was rather disappointing towards the end...Actually, today hasn't been such a great day either.
I woke up bright and early, and was incredibly productive for the first few hours of my day--laundry, paper-writing, etc. I went to lunch and to do a couple of on campus errands, and my day quickly went down hill. Basically, after conversations with Mom, Cathy (Dr. Neides' nurse up at the Cleveland Clinic) and a couple of other people, the decision was made that I needed to have my foot looked at. Of course, because stuff like this just happens to me, going to the doctor meant I did not get to go hear James Dunn speak. GRRRRR!!! I was so excited to begin my full-on nerdosity before SBL even arrives (this weekend) but noooo...I have to go and have a dumb foot issue.
So, I went to the hospital (thanks to Debbie, my chauffeur) and, after a few xrays and a couple of trips in the wheelchair, I received my diagnosis: Plantar Fasciitis, which basically means I have small tears in the tissue of my foot...The treatment: an exceptionally fashionable boot thingee that I'll get to wear all over Philly, medicine that (so far) makes me miserable, and the charge to soak my foot 3+ times/day and walk as little as possible. Ha. Ha. Ha.
On the plus side, I finally have wireless back in my apartment! Yesss!!!
Also, on a fantastically bright note, I'm currently chatting with ROY!!! This is the first time I have heard anything from him since Katrina...he's now living in Houston and commuting to U of H for the time being. Roy is a great guy--he's one of those guys who you know is going to make such a difference in his own corner of the world, so you just hope that his corner of the world is a big one. There are a few people I've met in the past year about whom I feel that's 11:30, so I can't promise a complete list, but the people who come to mind first that would absolutely be in that category include: Roy, Michael, Ben, Dave C., Matt B., Keith, Elizabeth, Ron G., and others.
Oddly enough, I just got an IM from Katherine--haven't talked to her in centuries.
Now I'll never get to bed.
Bye :0)
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