I Could Write a Book

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I have decided to do a post wherein I run the splices and, without worrying about context or if it makes sense, I will select the default word that is offered.

I, Kristin, am 24 years old. I was born in Louisville, KY, but really call Aurora, Oh my home. I live in Pa now--my third state (diarrhea).

I think splices is funny because it's so frequently wrong.

Using it (ever) reminds me of the days when Jane (my freshman roommate) would arbitrarily select a word without having any idea what any of them meant. How did she do so well in school?

Earlier today, Brian and I had a conversation about me being ditzy. I really think he ought to meet Jane if he wants to meet a "ditzy" in the absolute truest sense of the word.

Ok, on to splices! Yah!


(pooh--I'll go back and bold all of those things that are changed, though it should be fairly clear, I think).

Now that that's over...I'm rather amused. :0)

Bye :0)


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