Ok, here's a question (or several): when does practicality lose its weight? How much should a possibility be assessed for its practicality when so many impractical things about it make so much sense in their own ways? how much does practicality actually do? is there really a whole lot of merit in planning way out into the future if we refuse to live in and for the present? can it ever be okay to do things on a whim? or to interrupt what seemed like a great plan to go for something that, initially seems outlandish, but might ultimately turn out the be the best plan? how much caution should be thrown to the wind? does giving something up now have to mean giving it up entirely? is putting something "on hold" a recipe for disaster and failure? if i'm meant to do something, won't i ultimately get to doing it at some point anyway?
these questions, and more, are floating through my head. i keep talking to people whose opinions i trust and they all offer incredibly compelling and thoughtful responses to my predicament--and fall on both sides of the issue.
i'm tired and confused. bye. :0)
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