I Could Write a Book

Monday, February 06, 2006


On drinks:

So, really, what is it about drinks? Why is it that some drinks are considered more appropriate for summer than winter, and visa versa?

For example, I had a conversation with a friend about Jack and Coke versus Rum and Coke. We both agreed that Jack and Coke is better in colder weather, while Rum and Coke is the clear choice in July. Neither of us could really explain why...they're both cold. 50% of the ingredients are identical. I ultimately decided that, perhaps, that rum is a "summer alcohol" because it's flavor is reminiscent of the Caribbean.

Right now, I am enjoying some Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade. While "guilty" doesn't exactly summarize my feelings, I must confess that lemonade in the early part of February seems a bit out of place. It doesn't taste any different. I could even pair it with foods like grilled chicken or a burger or a salad (typical summer fare that also seems to be widely accepted in the winter months), and, still, it would seem a bit anomalous.

Perhaps I'm feeling a slight twinge of guilt because, in drinking lemonade, I'm neglecting the tea bags and hot cocoa mix that are sitting in my cabinet...on the very same shelf as the Crystal Light. This seems a silly reason for guilt, but stranger things have happened, I suppose.

It does make me feel better, however, to know that I have met the "yang" for my "yin," if you will. Inasmuch as I drink cold beverages on even cold days, my dear friend, Ashley, drinks hot beverages on hot days. We lived together my junior year of college and, on the days when we were actually speaking to each other (so, basically, second semester), she would knock on my door and offer me something hot to drink. She seemed surprisingly bothered to hear me say "no" every single night. There was one night--a single, solitary night--that year when I said "yes." Indeed, something hot to drink sounded good. I think Ashley was about to pass out.

On post-it notes:

I think that post-it notes and other adhesive paper devices (it's much easier to stick with the well-known brand name here, I think), are fantastic. Their uses are many. I am borrowing approximately 15 books from a dear friend of mine, and I can tell exactly which ones he bothered to read because they're positively covered in post-it tabs. When I was in high school, another friend brought a smile to my face one day by decorating the interior of my locker door with several post-it notes. Similarly, when I was going through some rough stuff while studying in Luxembourg my senior year of undergrad, my housemate, Christina, left positive notes on the door into my room, on the mirror in and both bathroom doors, etc. I still have a few of them. Oh, and they proved exceptionally useful in the costuming department of the movie Office Space (also thanks to them, we can purchase red swingline staplers). Also, because I'm slightly OCD when it comes to administrative stuff, the various colors of post-it notes come in quite handy. Having several multipacks allows me to create oh-so-many combinations: yellow with pink highlighter, yellow with blue highlighter, blue with pink highlighter, blue with blue highlighter, for example. I'm going to stop though, as listing out the various combinations possible has taken be back to stats...and I don't particularly care to go back to stats (though it is representative of my favorite kind of math).

On candles:

Here's something frustrating: Why, when a wick is carefully positioned in the center of a candle, does the circle of melted wax surrounding said wick tend towards one side of the jar? It is troublesome to have such wax "buildup" on one side. I am especially disappointed in this because, currently, I am burning a two-layered candle. According to the packaging, the top layer in its entirety is supposed to melt down before the second layer is touched. Alas, this is not the case. So, I am sitting here, enjoying the smell of apple cinnamon, when I'm only supposed to be smelling "pecan dream" or whatever it is. Sigh...I suppose life will have to go on anyway.

On the OT:

Lately, I have been very encouraged, despite my own doubts, about being able to successfully complete my PhD. It seems that, suddenly, people have taken a notice to my interests and abilities, and are pointing to ways in which they can work together. Today, for example, I got an email from one professor who has asked me to help him in a grant-funded research project to try and make sense of the violence that exists in the Bible. Why is it in there? How can we understand it, especially in light of the fact that Christianity touts things like "love" and "grace" and "justice," though there are clear moments where violence seems to step in the way of such "warm and fuzzy" things. To me, this is a fascinating opportunity. Also, I recently got the "ok" to pursue an independent study next term, under the tutelage of one of the OT professors here. We have decided to call the course "Life After Death in the Hebrew Bible." While my research will be slightly off kilter because I haven't yet taken Hebrew, I will be starting with a makeshift word study of "sheol." Is it hell? Is it more like purgatory? Who goes? Who knows? Also, I have started to teach myself the basic grammar behind the Hebrew language so that I'm not completely lost. It's not too hard, so far. I just have to not get too involved with it right now, as I have other classes on which to focus between now and the end of finals week.

On horseback riding:

I have to say it--I am much better at horseback riding than I'd anticipated. Now, of course, I realize that I was on a horse trained specifically to put up with first time riders like myself, but I still think I did a good job. Ariel, Amy, and I braved the rain and the cold on Saturday afternoon, all atop our horses (Midnight, Enoch, and Chippy, respectively), and we had a blast. Of course, none of us had very much success that evening when we dragged our sore bodies to the bowling alley...Fortunately, I had Joe on my team, and he made me feel much better...And, there's always next time (when I will dominate the alley).

Ok, back to Amos.
Bye :0)


At 2/08/2006 09:19:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am an official member of the GBU Junior Achievement bowling team on March 2. So I will be able to provide you with an analysis of my performance the next day when you arrive.

I almost spelled achievement like "acheivement" which would have been funnie.


At 2/08/2006 09:44:00 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

nice spelling of funnie. ugh.

also, what on earth is "tsfxhego"?

"two small, foreign xylophones had eternally green okra"

or, possibly,

"terrible songs formed xavier's habit: eluding great orchestration."


At 2/08/2006 10:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is the same as keviuab. don't you get it/?!?!?! yaou shourd!

BTW, I liked your synopsis of the nick names and am glad that you avoided any attempt to actually explain Bob B. and what was the other one relating to Bob B?

Oh I am about to cry out of bliss because of the Olympics commercial that is on right now. I can't wait for them to start! The nations parading in! The thrill of the competition, the athleticism coupled with pride of country and simultaneous sportsmanship and comaradarie (i.e. think Muppets Christmas)...

Anyway, I can't wait for Torino. I'm pumped like a reebok...

I'm thinking about having a Opening Ceremonies Party for Beijing '08.

the end. bpb.fl.b.b.b.b.fl.b.b.

p.s. Does Ben Williams know he is being called Ben R??!



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