I Could Write a Book

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


On Breakfast:

I don't eat breakfast everyday though, of course, I should. However, I will perhaps be more inspired to eat breakfast right now because I have a new favorite cereal: Zen something-or-other. It involves dried cranberries, ginger, and a variety of flakes/rice puffs/brown All Bran-eque sticks/etc. It's really quite good. Yesterday, I found myself very much in the mood for an omlet from Bob Evans. I decided against going because it was rather silly. Of course, I ended up at Caribou doing homework again...and then ended up getting Subway for dinner. However, I have made an important discovery at Subway: the wheat bread is quite good! It will be a very healthy switch for me. Also, the chipotle sauce is fantastic, and half the fat & calories of the ranch dressing. Woohoo! I do enjoy eating fresh. But, this is no longer on breakfast.

On a related note, however, I noticed this morning that I need to do dishes, as I am out of bowls. Now, the interesting thing is this: I have a multitude of spoons. Now, I recognize, of course, that the use of bowl and spoon are not directly correlated. Also, I have more spoons than bowls. But, I also am well aware of my own eating, and I know for a fact that I have used spoons on a few occasions when no bowl has been necessary. Take, for example, cottage cheese. I have cottage cheese in my home (small curd, reduced fat), and can find absolutely no good reason to transfer it to another holding container before I eat it, so, I eat it direct from the container. That involves a spoon and no bowl. Similarly, each time I eat yogurt (strawberry banana, Danon Light), I use a spoon and no bowl. I am shocked and confused by the sheer surplus of spoons in my drawer...Moving on...

On Mail:

Last year, I learned the lesson that it's easier to ship things to campus than to have them shipped here to my apartment. Why? Because, when the shipping company is unknown, and then it results in UPS or FedEx, they invariably require a personal signature if they're going to leave a package in the apartments. Now, I understand, of course, that they must cover their butts. However, I am, for the vast majority of their working hours,not at home. I ordered a book last year (NIB Commentary: Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians) and had it shipped here...I ended up taking a mini-road trip with Josh to a scary UPS warehouse to pick it up. While Josh and I had a most enjoyable time on that trip, it would've been a much more productive time going...anywhere else, I think. All this is to say that, of course, I am eagerly awaiting all of my deliveries, and hope they arrive sooner than later.

On Organic Food:

I love organic food. If I had the money to afford it, I would shop exclusively at Whole Foods and stores that are comparable (Trader Joe's, Mustard Seed Market, or, if I'm ever near Fairfield, OH again, Jungle Jim's). I just like it better. Even things that taste exactly the same are improved because they are all natural (read:healthier) and, often times, they are products being traded fairly. Working at Starbucks, surprisingly, increased both my awareness of and passion for fair trade. Now, if only I could integrate that into my clothing purchases.

I do realize that I'm sounding more and more like a "granola girl" and that I sound more and more like a candidate for the Tri-Delts at Miami, but oh well. I still own leather products and eat meat.

On Hand Lotion:

I love hand lotion. I have several kinds that I use at various times in the day. My Aveda Hand Relief (a breast cancer awareness product, generously placed in my collection by my sister) gets used most frequently because it's in my living room/dining room/family room. It just sits on my tv stand, beckoning me to use it. And it's scent is quite subtle and pleasing to the olfactory sense. I also use my Ahava (means "love" in Hebrew) hand lotion that I brought back from Israel relatively often. It troubled me greatly to see that some Ahava products are now available at Costco, but I own several things that are not. At any rate, regular Ahava products have a delightful fresh scent--the Ahava Dermud products (for sensitive skin) are unscented.

I love lotion in general. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least 14 kinds of lotion that are in my bathroom right at this very moment. Some have shea butter, some are citrus scented, some decrease the frequency of needing to shave (though the existence of winter seems to do the same, to an extent), and one even has gold shimmer. They are all good at what they do, and I frequently select a lotion based upon my mood, so it's nice to have such a diversity.

This is a random blog, to be sure, but I don't especially care. Not too many people read this (I don't think, though I'm learning of more with each passing day), and it is my blog, after all. :0) Ok, bye.


At 1/10/2006 04:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shoot., I just made a very long comment and I don't think it posted. Grr. I'll try to remember everything I said:

1. Breakfast - Why is it silly to want to go to Bob's? There is nothing silly about free refills on hot chocolate--unless, of course, your h.c. is topped with mayonnaise!

2. Mail - The city of Chicago is similarly problematic. Just last week I received a flier from JoAnn Fabrics for a sale that happened in early November.

3. Organic Food-Generally speaking, I agree that it tastes better. However, it is not necessarily healthier. Eating butter has the same result as eating highly processed, chemically-flavored Cheetos which are very tasty.

3. Hand Lotion - Duh! Everyone needs a wide selection of moisturizing products! I am sad, however, that you neglected to mention one of the top in your collection. What about the Dream Cream by Lush? If you don't want yours, I'll be more than happy to take it from you. And I am very happy that Mat was able to buy Ahava at Costco. I will do a happy dance.

Haope yaou have a good evening and enjoy youl Indian food. Yummels. Tark tao yaou saoon. Gao Beals!!! :-)

At 1/11/2006 12:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An addendum to my Mail comment above:
YESTERDAY, JANUARY 10th, we received coupons from Costco that were valid in OCTOBER. I can not say enough about the incompetence of the Chicago Postal System. And I haven't even talked about how they screwed up our forwarded mail when we moved from the apartment into the condo!


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