I Could Write a Book

Saturday, January 21, 2006


A few reasons why I will move out of my apartment as soon as I graduate:

1. A fellow student was mugged this week.
2. I spent at least a half an hour rubber necking from my very own home. Why? There were between 5 and 10 cop cars/paddy wagons on campus at any given time...and lots of profane shouting...lots of asking (read: shouting) "Where's the gun?!?!?" and commentary on the quality of the drugs. And the K9 unit was on the scene. And several people walking around the perimeter of the parking lot (where my car happens to be parked) with their flashlights, seeking out...a person? the gun? more drugs? all of the above? That remains to be seen (as does the condition of the cars).
3. I was appalled to turn on the 11:00 news on three different stations, and all of them spent the first 10 minutes (i.e. 1/3 of the show) with a package on the game tomorrow....Now, I understand that this is "Steeler (err...'stiller') Nation" (ugh...I cringe to even type that silly thing)...but there are so many things that are so much more important...which leads me to my next point:
4. I can't stand the way that Steelers fans have been. Sure, every town has some of them, but they are a rare breed of obnoxious in this town. I can't wait until their season ends.

I'll have more to say later, but I'm too tired at the moment. Bye :0)


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