I Could Write a Book

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I don't have anything lengthy or important to say, only a few brief comments:

1. I can't believe I came home from Lux 3 years ago. I can't believe how much of my life has happened in 3 years, and how I hardly know the pre-Lux Kristen anymore!

2. My senior year of college, I used the word "hardcore" far too frequently. How did I not notice?

3. I wrote a paper today that is bothering me because I sound very feminist and whatnot--I'm not anti-feminism or anything, but I sound much more radical than I actually am. That wasn't my intention, but, at the same, time, I did get rather riled up when reading the three papers that "inspired" my own thoughts.

4. Today, Allen, Doug, Rich, Elaine, Dr. Purves, and I practiced the Dashing White Sargeant (a Scottish dance). We were awesome. Brian was lame and didn't show up, even when I tried to pull him in. Plus, he left me with a bruise on my arm.

5. I am really glad tomorrow's Thursday. And, it will be Amy's birthday! :0)

6. I wonder who actually reads this?!?

Ok, bye. :0)


At 12/08/2005 10:04:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it.

Tark tao yaou ratao.bpb.b.b.b.fl.b.


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