I Could Write a Book

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Reasons Why I Love AirTran:

1. They fly from Pittsburgh to New Orleans.
2. They fly on the days I want and at the times I want.
3. All of this for $222 roundtrip.


I emailed Mom today and gave her the NO,LA '06 Lowdown. Basically, the Homans have graciously offered their home for me to stay in, the price of travel is just about perfect, and Mom and Dad do need Christmas ideas for me, after all... :0)

I am uber-excited. Actually, it would be uEber since I don't have an umlaut on my u. Because that's the point of this entry.

I talked to J today. We have exchanged some tear-jerking emails this week, so it was nice to talk to her again. Plus, she got the first season of The Muppet Show on DVD for her birthday. HOW JEALOUS AM I?!?

It was also amusing to hear that Rachel thought I lived at Disneyland. That would be fun.

Plus, at least J, and possibly also Mat and Rach, will be flying out here for a visit in October! YES!!!

So, I have so many fun things to which I am looking forward:

~Orientation 9/1-2
~Miami vs. OSU on ABC 9/3
~My Birthday/Mom and Dad here 9/4
~School starting 9/6
~Ben here/Dinner with Dave the Badge (and possibly Jim Platt!) 9/6-9/10
~Rich/Suzy wedding party 9/10
~Lisa's pig roast 9/10
~NFL FOOTBALL REGULAR SEASON BEGINS! (Browns v. Bengals at Cleveland; 1 p.m. Eastern, CBS) 9/11
~Buckwheat Festival/VT @ WVU game (9/30-10/2)
~J, Mat, & Rach here!!!!! (10/22-24)
~SBL/ASOR Conference in Philly!!! (11/19-22)
~Thanksgiving! (11/24)
~Christmas Break! (12/20ish-1/3ish)
~SUPERBOWL XL!!! (2/5)
~New Orleans (2/27ish-3/4ish)

...And the list goes on and on. WOOHOO!!!

I am in such an overwhelmingly excited mood right now...

Even still, I'm beat. Pulling out a ceiling, then removing wall paneling all day (that was both glued and nailed for some reason) will do that to you. Tomorrow's agenda? 10 a.m.-S.A. Meeting; 11 a.m.-Work until 6; 6-7-Drive from Bethel Park to Crafton Heights; 7-8ish-CHUPC Teacher's meeting; 9ish-11-write papers.

Yes, it's going to busy.

Oh, and as a side note, MARIA GOT ENGAGED TODAY! WOOHOO!!! So, ladies and gentlement, this pushes the current total of upcoming weddings to which I will be invited up to ELEVEN.

Take care. Hope all is well with y'all! :0)


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