I Could Write a Book

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Today has been sort of fun. I stopped by the office and talked to Tom and Melissa for awhile, then Jon stopped by and joined in on the conversation. As it turns out, so many GREAT people are working up there this year, so I'm sort of bummed about leaving...However, at the same time, I am thrilled to be working at WMI. I have been fortunate to have both of the 2 best jobs on campus.

Anyway, after visiting for awhile, I went to Shadyside and got a cover for my ipod. It's hot pink and oh-so-cool. I talked to a dude there who said they were highly recommended (versus another that I'd picked up) because they don't scratch the ipod, have holes in the top and bottom of the case, and have a removable clip thingee. Yay me. Plus, I stopped by my old stomping ground (Starbucks) and got my soy chai. Yum.

I've been in the WMI office for a few hours this afternoon, and have suddenly realized that things are heating up quickly. I have a meeting Thursday, work to do, papers to write, a meeting next week, WMI work on Wednesday, Orientation next Thursday and Friday...etc. etc. etc. But, I am excited. I tend to thrive on hustle and bustle.

Also, I received word from Dave Badger. He, Ben and I are going to have dinner when Ben comes up here in a few weeks. I may tell the shortest, most interesting stories there.

Anyway, I'm off to go make copies of some stuff for SA. Bye :0)


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