I Could Write a Book

Sunday, August 14, 2005


I didn't realize people actually read this...what a novel concept. :0) I do enjoy the occasional "glancing" through of blogs...the use of the next blog link. A lot in Spanish though...I don't know Spanish (but loved it when I came upon a French blog!) Now, I suddenly feel pressure to "entertain" with my writing...but I'm quite sure I won't. What follows in this entry is most certainly an example of my blasé treatment of everything...oh well.

Completely unrelated: There are all sorts of past interviews with Peter Jennings on various channels (I'm currently watching on CNBC). What candor he had...and yet, he was so very diplomatic. It is very sad to now look at our news sources and wonder if they can even approach the objectivity that Peter Jennings fought so hard to maintain (though, being honest, it's hard to imagine any news anchor maintaining 100% objectivity, but at least he made a concerted effort). I really appreciate a quote he just made saying that most of the young people interested in being anchors are "...less interested in the N news than they are in the T Television." How sad and true.

Along the lines of sad and pathetic television, there is actually a reality show on E! that has brought together several of the reality t.v. "stars" (I here use that term incredibly loosely) and is now filming a movie called The Scorned. This show seeks to share with us the purportedly "interested" audience all of the gory and/or gooshy details of these people in the midst of their movie collaboration.

The goriest part is that they hope to be taken seriously.


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