I Could Write a Book

Monday, August 01, 2005


I was up until after 4 a.m...It was just one of those nights where everything I just thought about everything...Relationships, Jobs, etc., and things just became complex and intermingled. Finally, at about 2:30, I realized that sleep wasn't going to happen, so I got up and wrote a really long letter to my best friend. He probably won't ever actually see it, but it was good for me to do, nonetheless. Plus, it confirmed all prior notions that, indeed, I do write best after midnight. Of course, this is not convenient for scheduling purposes, but oh well.

I am currently reading The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis, and so much of what he says makes a lot of sense, though, of course, I don't agree with everything. When I have the book in front of me, I will comment more specifically. At any rate, I find it amusing that, essentially, he and Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) of When Harry Met Sally agree: Men and women can't (really) be friends. Only, C.S. Lewis is much better explaining it, though some of his points are now antiquated.

Anyway, I am going to talk to Don today--my first day back to work! Hurray!!! I am so excited to be establishing a routine, even if it's temporary.


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