Well, another birthday has come and gone. I turned the big 2-4 yesterday, and am now officially among the "mid-twenties" crowd. The day wasn't entirely eventful--Mom and Dad came down and we watched a lot of football. We had dinner and they surprised me with Mom's ice cream cake, direct from Cleveland.
For a few moments, I was bummed that more people didn't seem to remember that it was my birthday--I got about half the phone calls that I had last year--but then I realized that it's not such a big deal. I know there are people in this world who love me...who cares if they had a moment to call or not! Plus, everyone has birthdays, and 24 isn't such a landmark.
Michael recently posted his Katrina story (he's now in Omaha with his family, and they have limited use of the internet)...and it is scary, compelling, gut-wrenching, real, and life-altering. It changes me just reading it, I can't even imagine how it has changed him. I encourage you to read it too (see the link on the right of my page).
It looks like I'm going to have to cancel my plans to go to New Orleans in February. I am sorely disappointed, but I'm hoping to somehow arrange some other sort of scheme wherein I get to spend some time with the Homans.
On the bright side, I do get to relive a lot of Israel moments in the coming week, as Ben is coming up here tomorrow!! He's looking at the school, and is going to crash at my apartment for a few days. Also on the agenda? Sitting in on Dr. Tappy's class, having dinner with Dave Badger and Bethany, and participating in Friday Night Cards. Ben and I have decided to avoid telling the others that he is well-learned in the art of Euchre, and then will proceed to whomp on our opponents. Ethical? Perhaps not, but I will have only had two ethics classes by then, so we probably won't have learned that yet.
Yes, classes start tomorrow. Life suddenly becomes hectic (or, rather, becomes hectic in a different way). I'm looking forward to it--I am excited to start anew, to establish a schedule, and to just be doing stuff that contributes to, well, frankly, my nerdiness. :0)
Anyway, I have plenty more to say, but I also have a pair of pants to return to Old Navy, plans to get coffee with Nick, and plans to watch a movie with April, Debbie, Brian, and Tom.
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