I Could Write a Book

Saturday, February 25, 2006


1. Dabney is here! It is so great to catch up.
2. Good times were definitely had by all at Open Door/Kings last night. :0)
3. I'm going to New Orleans tomorrow!!!
4. Packing for two climates was not as difficult as I'd anticipated!
5. It's super-sunny outside today.
6. My roses are still alive and pretty after a week and a half.
7. Marne's getting married...today!
8. Quoting movies and someone else following up with the next line.
9. I get to see J, Mat, and Rachey in 6 days! :0)
10. I'm wearing my turkey shirt right now and it's truly awesome.

:0) :0) :0) :0) :0)

After having such a stressful second term, life is so wonderfully happy and exciting now! Hurray! Hope all is well with y'all!

Bye! :0)


At 3/08/2006 09:27:00 AM, Blogger Eileen said...

I do not like the fact that I saw a terrible picture of me from the pictures on the side of your blog... :-p I also learned that I think we're going to be missing each other by like a day or two in Chicago - sad!!! It would have been fun to hang out w/ you while we're there!!! :-) Anywho, oh I have my own blog now! http://too-ra-loo-ra.blogspot.com/ :-)


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