and stuff...
Quotable moments of the past few days:
1. "You really should play the field."
2. "I just learned 6 new ways to bake a chicken."
3. "Ohhhhh......I saw your booootay."
4. "I contacted Lorenzo first."
5. "Frozen squirrels. *click click*" / "Break it down squirrels. *click click*"
6. "And jump and flip. And flip and jump."
7. "What is that poodle in front of you?" "That's my hair!"
8. "Who says attractive?" "People who are older than 13."
9. "Rose in Facoon."
10. "She went to Thailand." (Pronounced [thigh-land])
Ok, I have a couple comments. If you're going to quote things, get them right. For example:
#3: You have: "Ohhhhhhhhhh.....I saw your booootay." Ok, the bootay part is accurately depicted but what is this "Ohhhhhhh" business? CLEARLY, the phrase is "EEEeeeewwwwwwww I saw your boooootay. "
#9: What is this "rose" nonsense?!?! I shouldn't have to tell you that it is simply the letters that are reversed, thus rendering, "Rozen Facoons". There are no facoons in roses. Duh.
And that is my commentary for now.
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