I Could Write a Book

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


When someone compliments me, I'm not very good at accepting it and, certainly, am not big on advertising it. However, I got back my final from Dr. Nelson and I appreciate her comments because she is particularly thoughtful in her writing--I'm certain that she responded uniquely to each final she graded. Here's what mine says:

"Kristen--most delightful. You speak authentically in your own voice, write consistently and with great verve, and draw together a wide variety of resources. Now let's do this again next year!"

Dr. Nelson, too, responded to my writing in a genuine way, and I appreciate that about her, though we don't agree on many of the issues at hand. :0)


Secondly, I had lunch with Dave yesterday and, at that point, received my official invitation to return to CHUP for a second year. I wasn't entirely worried about it, quite honestly, but it still felt good to be asked, and I enthusiastically agreed. Plus, while this year was a sort of "potpourri" of activity in order to be faithful to the contract, next year I will get my own big thing--programmatic or otherwise--to spearhead and see through. Hurray! I have to start brainstorming about what that will include.

At any rate, as I said to Stacey, there is no way I could've ever predicted my life right now, but I'm really happy with where I am and what I'm doing, and that is a good feeling. :0)


Thirdly (but related to number two above), I am really excited about the friendships that have been developing in my life over the past few months. I have some really good friends at PTS, of course, but I have also grown rather jaded because of the way others treated me after I voiced my thoughts (the horror!!) last term. At any rate, it is a great relief to have a support system not attached to school...I don't always have to talk about theology and polity. Sometimes, I just talk about eighties music and Strawberry Shortcake and other non-PTSish stuff. Plus, the chuppers in particular are becomming people who will likely be in my life for a long time. :0)

Today is busy: 4 loads of laundry, 3 classes, 2 meetings, 1 trip to Giant Eagle, and plenty of writing to do. It will be a good day though. :0)


At 3/17/2006 04:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


(particularly Mr. Pittsnogle and Mr. Gansey)

WHOO HOO!!! Keep up the 3pt'rs!
Do it for Grampa!



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