I Could Write a Book

Saturday, April 22, 2006


oh happy day...this is my 150th post.

I can't lie--originally, this week was going to be miserable because I had so much to do.

It has not been even remotely miserable...it has, instead, been shockingly awesome.

Of course, I still have a lot of work to do (which I will be doing allll day long today, provided I stop blogging), but I have plans tomorrow which keep me motivated in the meantime.

Last night was Open Door Fri. Night Rec, so I got to hang out with all the chuppers. Colton and I started throwing a football around, and ended up on the same side of the gym, fighting over the ball. I have a few bruises, but we really had a lot of fun. Plus, he got his when we were playing dodgeball.

That's right, slowly but surely, I'm becoming a dodgeball queen. I catch the ball and get people out. I throw the ball and get people out. I dodge the ball. Of course, I don't get as much ball time as I'd like since there are 20598203985 people vying for 8 balls, but that's ok. It will alllll come with time.

Today, I need to complete 3 papers, two of which will not take much time at all, the third of which will be quite time-consuming, but I don't think it will be that bad. Plus, I have to clean my apartment, wash dishes, do laundry. Essentially, it's not going to be a very fun day in the life of me, but it's good to have the entire day free to be able to get stuff like this taken care of.

In other news, I started my job at the bookstore on Thursday and worked yesterday as well...I love it. It's so much fun! Yesterday, I had Tom give me mock scenarios so that I could practice looking up inventory and whatnot. Plus, I got to do section counts both days, which means I get to cross lots of things off of lists. Hurray!

Anyway, as I've made clear, productivity is mandatory for me today, so I'm going to get to it. Hope all is well with y'all! Have a good one! :0)


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