I Could Write a Book

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


One of my favorite people in the world found my blog and called me a "slacker" for not updating frequently enough.

I guess he's probably right.

But, I suppose I can lean pretty heavily on the "four jobs + school + volunteer work" thing to justify myself...

My life has been shifting around a lot lately. I'm certain that this is due, in part, to my general antsiness. I am ready for this school year to be through, I'm ready to get away from the city for a few days...I'm just ready for a break.

In a few weeks, I'm going with Joe, Stacey, and Matt up to Cleveland for a couple of days. We're going to see two Indians games, the second of which is against the Pirates. This is exciting in and of itself, but, for the second game, we will also be meeting up with Ben, Janet, Mo, Kira, Russell, Karen, Matt E. and possibly Matt B. I haven't seen any of those people (excepting Ben) since Thanksgiving or before. It will be nice to spend some time with them, and to introduce them to a few of my Pittsburgh friends, and to have a greater Tribe contingent than Bucco contingent in my group!!!

I feel like I haven't seen my family in centuries, though it's really only been a month and a half. Mom and Dad will be here in 2 weeks for Race for the Cure, and, of course, I and my friends will be staying with them when we go to Cleveland...and then only a week and a half will pass before we leave for Alaska!!!

I have to say that I am incredibly happy right now. Ever since Easter, my life has been a whirlwind of excitement, productivity, hope, and...well...cheesiness. Maria says I'm "twitterpated," Debbie says I have "Disney eyes" and pretty much everyone who knows me says that I'm acting differently about him than any of the others.

I am pretty sure there's good reason for that.


There are still a lot of things on my mind surrounding that particular situation, which is why I hesitate to say anything more on it right now...but, all in all, it's fabulous and exciting and indescribable.

Also, I have recently gotten back into touch with a lot of people from high school and undergrad. I found out that my college roommate, Rachel, and her husband, Nathan, are expecting (and now, of course, I'm planning a visit to their neck of the woods this summer), and I also got back in touch with my dear friend, Drew, from Aurora. He and I were always so close, and just drifted off as our lives went different directions. As it turns out, he comes to Pittsburgh somewhat frequently, so we're planning to meet up and spend some time together. We agree it will be like old times, which basically means we'll laugh a lot, he'll try to make fun of me and fail, I'll try to come up with good comebacks and I'll fail, and we'll laugh some more. I'd been trying to track him down for a couple of years, so I was really excited to hear from him.

I think I'm fairly fortunate to have built the kind of friendships that I did in years past, such that we can find each other now and wipe out the huge chunk of time that seperated us. I guess that's how one can identify true friendship.

Anyway, I must be off and doing some work...I am scheduled at two jobs today, plus I have class, homework, and giant piles of laundry with which to deal.

Bye. :0)

Saturday, April 22, 2006


oh happy day...this is my 150th post.

I can't lie--originally, this week was going to be miserable because I had so much to do.

It has not been even remotely miserable...it has, instead, been shockingly awesome.

Of course, I still have a lot of work to do (which I will be doing allll day long today, provided I stop blogging), but I have plans tomorrow which keep me motivated in the meantime.

Last night was Open Door Fri. Night Rec, so I got to hang out with all the chuppers. Colton and I started throwing a football around, and ended up on the same side of the gym, fighting over the ball. I have a few bruises, but we really had a lot of fun. Plus, he got his when we were playing dodgeball.

That's right, slowly but surely, I'm becoming a dodgeball queen. I catch the ball and get people out. I throw the ball and get people out. I dodge the ball. Of course, I don't get as much ball time as I'd like since there are 20598203985 people vying for 8 balls, but that's ok. It will alllll come with time.

Today, I need to complete 3 papers, two of which will not take much time at all, the third of which will be quite time-consuming, but I don't think it will be that bad. Plus, I have to clean my apartment, wash dishes, do laundry. Essentially, it's not going to be a very fun day in the life of me, but it's good to have the entire day free to be able to get stuff like this taken care of.

In other news, I started my job at the bookstore on Thursday and worked yesterday as well...I love it. It's so much fun! Yesterday, I had Tom give me mock scenarios so that I could practice looking up inventory and whatnot. Plus, I got to do section counts both days, which means I get to cross lots of things off of lists. Hurray!

Anyway, as I've made clear, productivity is mandatory for me today, so I'm going to get to it. Hope all is well with y'all! Have a good one! :0)

Monday, April 17, 2006


I realize it has been eons since my last post.

That will happen.

I have been insanely busy--school is driving me crazy (but summer will be here in 6 weeks!), I recently got hired, and will be starting another job this week, and I have managed to fill up all of my free time with lots of excellent things...well, and meetings, some of which are great and some of which are...less great...dull as dirt, really.

Despite my business and the ulcers that should be resulting from the heinousness that is my life, I am happy.

Things are just going so well. I am happy with life right now. I feel like I finally am getting a sense of what I'm supposed to be doing, and where, and when, and why, and with whom. It's refreshing and rewarding to see the pieces of my "life puzzle" (*gag*) starting to fit together. Of course, I couldn't have created this set of circumstances for myself if I had to, but it's better than I could imagine.

I do miss my family though. Yesterday was Easter, and, while I had a fabulous day, there was a part of me that wished I could be in Chicago with everyone else. But, I get to see Mom and Dad in about a month, and then again the week after that (when I take some chuppers to Cleveland!!!!!!!!!!), and I'll get to see the Smiths in about 6 weeks. Hurray! :0)

Ok, I have lots of work to do, and I'm going to see Aunt Catherine, Uncle Dave, and the kids today for some hanging out and for some dinner.

But first, 10 reasons to be happy:

1. Sunshine
2. Getting back in touch with old friends.
3. Progress and patience... :0)
4. My out-of-the-blue note from Tom.
5. Rach referring to Dad and Mat as "the boys"
7. Baseball season! (GO TRIBE!)
8. SOOO many fun things are happening between now and the end of the school year!
9. Looking at old photos.
10. Fresh flowers.

Bye! :0)