I Could Write a Book

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

duquesne. [doo-kane] not [doo-quez-nee]

I just got back from Duquesne--I went there to study at the Starbucks with Ben while he worked on a final project. After we got sick of our productivity, we went back to his place and talked for awhile. We are both such nerds--we talked all about Ohio (mostly about why Cleveland is so much better than Pittsburgh), about PhD programs, about schools where we'd ultimately like to work, cities in which we'd ultimately like to live, and our respective trips to Europe.

Also, Debbie called somewhere during that time and complained to Ben that he stole her friend (me).

It was a good day...I had both Dr. Purves and Dr. Nelson this morning, and I am like a little child, I'm so giddy about those two classes. I can't wait!

I'm quite tired right now, but I am just not really in the mood to go to sleep yet. I feel like maybe reading myself to sleep with some class material, but it's all too interesting! Today, I read part of our Joseph Blankinsopp book for OT02 and I was so excited about it all. Several people have complained about that particular text, but I tend to think their complaints directly correlate to their lack of technical knowledge in this particular subject. There are plenty of ANE buzz words floating about, which could be somewhat burdensome for someone taking this course as an introduction to the second half of the Old Testament (essentially).

I'm writing a paper for Christology that will be due next week. In addition to our two required readings, Dr. Nelson gave us 4 readings from which we must pick one. I chose the one that she specifically said would push and challenge the reader the most. I am always up for a challenge and I appreciate the opportunity to be pushed and pulled and stretched as much as possible. Having the ability to coherently articulate the opposing arguments to whatever set of beliefs I happen to be defending will be an important skill. Plus, if I want to consider PhD work for even a nanosecond, I must be consistently sharpening my critical thinking skills. I need to be better at probing and creating depth in a text. I have noticed that I'm much better at literary correlations between texts, however. That is definitely something that has improved thanks to PTS...and, probably most specifically, Dr. Gagnon. He does love his intertextual echoes.

I had a discussion not too long ago with a wonderful person here at school with me. She and disagree on nearly everything theologically speaking, but we have a healthy understanding of each other, I think, which always makes our conversations satisfying. We did learn, on that particular day, that we share a distaste for much of the seminary vernacular...I am leary to use many of the common words of this community because they are steeped in ambiguity.

Here are a few of those words:

*contemporary worship
*post-modern (are we really there yet...and well enough established in it to have a sound definition of whatever "it" is?)

Give me a sound definition of these terms...I don't want arbitrary, I don't want an extensive amount of flexibility...I want to know what these mean, or I don't think they should be used. As far as the term "unchurched" is concerned...it's easy enough to understand what that means, but it's just annoying. I can't stand that term, and I wish it hadn't been adopted.

I've come to the sobering conclusion that I am really a nerd. I thought I could escape it, but, in fact, my "nerdosity" exudes from every pore. My eyes give me away on everything...and the fact that my eyes sparkle and dance because I get to read about a bunch of dead guys who, for whatever reason, made it into Scripture, or because I get to read about proclamations that were recognized "from Dan to Beersheba," or whatever, is just sad. I can't be all there, can I? And, let's face it...I have Greek letters tattooed on my foot. Maybe I'll show my tattoo off to my students someday in the middle of the semester.

I can't wait to teach. Teaching will be so exciting. Of course there will be stresses--every institution in the world has its own special beauracracy, for example--but I know there will be people who are somehow inspired. I'm also really excited to have a family...I'm not anywhere close to that point right now (and fairly relieved to not be, if I'm honest), but I think it will be such fun. I sort of sound like I'm wishing to be 5 or 10 years ahead of where I am right now, but that's not true either.

I would say that I have wanted to just forget about seminary at least 150 times. I have thought about the "what could have been"s in my life on a daily basis since I moved to Pittsburgh 18 months ago. I don't like my 8:30 classes and I get frustrated at my lack of income because I don't have time to get a 4th job, and don't get paid for the 3rd job, and only get 10 hours per week in the combination of the 1st and 2nd jobs. Sometimes the people on this campus annoy and frustrate me to no end. Some of them annoy me because they act as if they're better than me, some of them annoy me because I get it into my silly mind that I'm better than them. I think some of the faculty members on staff here are egotistical, and, despite their many accolades, they really have to reason to be.

The smartest 5 people I've ever met are likewise 5 of the most humble.

I could learn a good lesson from that.

Anyway, with all of that being said, I love it here. I'm glad I'm here, even if it's Pittsburgh. I think this is where I'm supposed to be right now, and I wouldn't change a thing about my situation (except I wish I didn't have to be so dependent on my parents for financial support, but that's for another night). I'm happy with the choice I've made to be here, and I'm even more happy with the other choices that came my way that I refused. This is a good place, and I truly believe that the vast majority of the people here have good hearts and really care and really want to be the best that they can be.

Regardless of the stumbling blocks that fill this campus ("the devil's playground," as one friend calls it), I am thankful for this place.

And now, I must go to bed. Bye :0)

Monday, November 28, 2005

list happy. happy list.

I love lists. They make me smile. I am in the process of making a detailed list that indicates all of my activities, meetings, etc. through Dec. 16. It is gratifying to make the list, indeed, but even moreso to cross things off!

Perhaps that is why I'm busy all of the time--I like to be able to cross off as many things as I possibly can!

Anyway, today has been fantastic so far, and it's only 1 p.m.! I woke up to shower and whatnot, and had a few extra minutes before needing to leave for class. I checked my email and had stuff from 3 wonderful people, so that was exciting.

**brief interupption: Elaine just imed me to let me know she had a dream on Thanksgiving that I got married! Her subconcious must know something I don't...:0)**

Then I went to class and had a great time--Prophets & Psalms with Dr. Creach. I know I'm a nerd, but I'm really excited about this class...and Job (which meets on Wednesdays).

This afternoon, I'm going down to Mercy Hospital to visit one of the people that Dave and I have seen on several occasions. It will be my first solo visitation experience, but I think it will be good.

Then, I'm going to seek out Jim, who emailed me to tell me that he'll be on campus this afternoon! It will be the first time I've seen him since Israel, so it will be nice to catch up for a few minutes. He's going to be here next Thursday as well (for Dr. Tappy's presentation), but I am fairly certain that our conversation will be somewhat limited at that time.

Later on, I have a meeting at the Beehive down on the Southside with Keith and...I don't know who else. He invited me to be on the planning committee for an upcoming event he's planning. I'm really excited about this outreach opportunity, so I was pleased that he offered. Then, of course, I will finish my homework and continue on my Christmas cards!

I'm sensing that it's a good time for me to list 10 things that make me happy...though it might be an extended list this week, as I'm very happy. So, here goes:

1. Being back here (I didn't think I was ready for it, but, as it turns out, I am!)
2. My new hair
3. All of the fun things coming up
4. Making lists
5. Spending time with family
6. Rach saying "That's you...That's mullett."
7. Making plans for New Orleans
8. I get to go back to Israel!
9. Pumpkin ice cream
10. Christmas cards :0)
11. Holiday festivities
12. Getting back in touch with people
13. When Harry Met Sally
14. Laughing from the gut
15. Finally having a clue about my future, and being excited about it
16. Finally having a clue about my master's thesis/possible advisor, and being excited about it
17. I don't have to drive in the snow today! Hurray!
18. Christmas is coming!!!
19. It's almost December, which means that it's just over 10 months until my birthday (yes, I keep count for that long).
20. I had yum leftover Thanksgiving food for lunch again today.
21. My apartment isn't a total disaster...yet
22. Michelle & Lauren here this Saturday, Johanna next Saturday, and possibly Alyssa, Marcy, and Lindsey here the Saturday after that!
23. It's sunny right now. :0)
24. My 2 book purchases at SBL were great choices
25. I have well over 25 reasons to be happy! :0)

Ok, off to go do fun things. Bye! :0)

Crumbs From Your Table

I just got into one of my "contemplative" moods, so beware.

I had to go back through emails I've gotten from Michael to get the address where he and his family have been living ever since Katrina messed up their home, and I ended up scrolling back through the entire series of emails we'd exchanged prior to that event, which ended with a shockingly sobering email from Michael (though it was meant to be humorous at the time), which read, "If I die in this hurricane coming, you can have my trowel." Obviously, he was not serious, but it got me thinking back to those first several days after Katrina hit--I knew that Michael was in New Orleans the entire time, though his family had evacuated, and I was very afraid that he had died. Let's face it, I've spent 6 weeks with the guy and his daughter, but at that moment my fear was so real--it was as if I'd known the Homans for my entire life.

Of course, when I was in Philly last weekend, I got a healthy reminder of why I grew to respect that entire family so much, and why I connected with Michael and Kalypso more than most anyone on that trip (excepting Ben). I have gone through my entire life always carefully thinking about who I would let in, about who I would let stretch me and challenge me, and it seems as if there's been a surplus of that sort of person in my life this year. Over the past several months, the biggest positive (non-family) influences in my life have been:

1. Michael Homan
2. Kalypso Homan
3. Dave Carver
4. Keith Kaufold
5. Conor McCarthy
6. Brian Wallace
7. My Sunday School kids (Robbie, Tyler, Carly, John, David, Cody, Josh)
8. Lauren Hughes

Everyone with whom I come into contact has some sort of an impact on me--that's the nature of relationships, whether good or bad, but these are the people who have touched me in some particular way, or who have boldy challenged me to become the best person that I can be. These are the kind of people who motivate me to be strong because they, themselves, are such fine exemplars of strength in their own ways. None of them is like the others, but they are all amazing people.

And one of them just IMed me. :0)


Sunday, November 27, 2005


My week off of school was good, albeit, busy.

I feel as if I ought to write some lengthy recounting of all of the hilarious moments that have occurred over the past several days, but I don't really want to. Some moments are best as memories, and are silly to try to convey to someone not involved anyway.

I am back in Pittsburgh now, but I don't really feel like being here. I don't know where, exactly, I'd like to be, but I'm certainly not ready to begin the grind of Term II. Even still, it was good to be back at CHUP this morning--I've missed my time spent, especially talking with Dave. I have many exciting things to which I can look forward...I have to get through only 13 weeks, and then I am going for a surprise visit down south. Only 2 people know I'm coming, and it is going to be an absolutely marvelous time--I'm really looking forward to it.

But, let's back up, because there are several fun things that await me much earlier than that...Allow me to include in this entry a brief list:

1. 12/2: Holiday Ball
2. 12/3: Lauren & Michelle here
3. 12/4: Friends & Family Day
4. 12/8: Dr. Tappy's Big Announcement finds its way to PTS (and dinner w/ 2 Badgers)
5. 12/9: Mistletoe Mambo
5a. 12/10: Ice Skating, etc. (???)
6. 12/13: Dr. Humphrey's installation, etc.
7. 12/16: Dr. Calian partaaaay
8. 12/20 or 21: Back to Cleveland again (for a whirlwind of appointments, etc.)
9. 12/24: Back to Pittsburgh...Christmas Eve!
10. 12/25: WV with the whole family...Merry Christmas!
11. 12/27: Back to Pittsburgh
12. 12/31: A variety of possibilities...

See? A bajillion things to which I am looking forward, and that's only within the next month! Plus, I'm sure I've forgotten some stuff...

As for right now, however, I am trying to write out at least some of my Christmas cards...If I can get most of them done over the course of the week, plus get my decorations up, plus take care of the usual stuff, I will be pretty happy.

Also, I hope to get the results back on my various finals/papers/etc. It would be lovely to do the "Happy Dance, Version 4.0" (Get it? Like my gpa? I kill me). :0)

Ok, back to the productivity.

Oh, p.s.: I got new glasses (they'll be sent to me sometime soon) and my hair is all now back to its natural color (i.e. much darker, no more roots) and I got 6" cut off. Yay me!

Bye :0)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


For pictures relating to the Tel Zayit Inscription (read: the abecedary that we found in Israel this summer), go here: http://www.haventoday.org/goingdeeper/59

As a side note, it's not pronounced "ab-seh-dairy" but, rather, "aye-bee-see-duh-ree," in case you were wondering.

The Smiths will be here in approximately 3 hours! Woohoo!!! :0)



What a weekend. I'm not sure how to begin or where to end, but there's plenty to say, that's for sure.

I finished all things school-related on Thursday morning, then spent the day not cleaning, though that had been my plan. Instead, I ran around, giddy and stupid and listening to Christmas music.

Ben got into town at 8:30 or so, and we were both hungry, so we went to Rotellis for dinner. Yum. We got back, watched some t.v. and talked for awhile, then decided to go to bed since the van was picking us up at 6:30 a.m.

Dr. Sunquist arrived as scheduled, so Ben and I joined the rest of the gang (Dr. Burgess, the Beckers and Matt Bell) and we left for Philly, but not before making a much-needed stop at Starbucks. We got to Philly and I got checked into the hotel with no problem. Everyone dropped their stuff in my room temporarily, and we went to hear Dr. Purves speak. It was a talk on Tom Torrance, and it was really fantastic. Quite interesting, very involving. Afterwards, I went with Ben to get him checked into his hotel, which took no time at all. In the middle of that, I received phone calls from both Jackie (and Suzy & Rich, with whom she was driving) and Erin, wanting info about the hotel and key pickup, etc. So, Ben and I waited in the hotel lobby until the Vitales and Jackie showed up, at which point we did the whole key thing and Jackie got settled. The other PTSers arrived as well, and we headed out to dinner. But, when Erin called, she mentioned a get together with the ASOR folks at 7, so Ben and I made plans to grab a taxi and go down there...especially when we learned that both Erin and Michael would be present. Also, Dale and Dave ended up coming.

It was inexplicably great to see everyone again. We spent a lot of time talking about Israel and laughing about people and silly moments that happened over our 5 weeks together, but we also talked about new stuff...creating new memories and whatnot. Of course, I was particularly excited to see Michael since he had such an enormous impact on me in Israel, and since his life is now completely different (what with the hurricane and all). We spent a few hours at this place, Sugar Mamas, then headed our seperate ways...all in hopes that we might randomly run into each other on Saturday, but satisfied knowing that, if nothing else, we would all meet up again on Sunday night.

Saturday arrived, and I went to a few lectures, then somehow found Dave and Dale. Almost right after, I saw Michael walking by (seriously miraculous given that there were thousands of academics roaming about in a poorly-designed convention center/hotel). He suggested meeting up for dinner, so we all did so and enjoyed an evening at the Philly Hard Rock. Then, a few of us went back to Sugar Mamas, with the expectation of meeting up with Michael again. However, when he didn't show for an hour, we left (we found out the next morning that he arrived within 2 minutes of our departure).

Sunday, we woke up at went to hear Dr. Tappy's presentation about Zeitah (the very general presentation, as opposed to the in-depth discussion of the abecedary that would follow that evening). The room was packed, but most of the Zeitah people made it in there...and of course, we were all excited to see our picture on the slideshow! Later in the morning, Ben, Jackie, Dale, and I went over to the Liberty Bell to be a bit touristy, but headed back soon after so as to avoid missing any football. Of course, the Browns weren't on and the Bengals came on after we had to leave, so Ben and I were both bummed. At least the Brownies won! AND the Steelers lost! Hurray!

4:30 came about, so Ben, Jackie, and I headed to Caribou Cafe to eat dinner with all of the PTS people (for free! Yes!). It was really quite good--French cuisine, etc. The presentation was really very stunning. Because we were so antsy, the three of us left early to get to Dr. Tappy's presentation. We arrived at the convention center and saw Madeleine and Connie, then, shortly after, found Michael, Dave, Dale...and...DAN! No one but Dr. Tappy knew he was coming into town, but there he was! It was good to catch up. Then, a bit later, I was headed to the restroom, but that was averted when I saw...ERIC! Soooo, 11 of us from this summer's Zeitah team all sat together to hear about the big find...and we all felt a bit of satisfaction since we were a part of it all. Plus, Dr. Tappy gave accolades to both Michael and Dan, which was so good for him to do--especially for Michael as he interviews for new positions across the country. Any school would be lucky to snag him.

After Dr. Tappy's presentation finished, and upon some very good advice, I decided to make my rounds and talk to whomever I could. I was reintroduced to Dr. P. Kyle McCarter, an epigrapher at Johns Hopkins, by his friend who remembered me from our earlier meeting in Pittsburgh. I met Dr. John Strong from Missouri State, who is good friends with both Dr. Tuell and Dr. Creach (2 of my profs at PTS), and who taught Erin when she was working on her masters there. Plus, I chatted with several of my own professors--Dr. Purves volunteered his time to help me figure out all of this PhD stuff, and was particularly anxious to discuss the possibility of my studying somewhere in Europe (namely the UK for him, as he's Scottish). Both Dr. Tuell and Dr. Creach (and his wife Page, who's fantastic) suggested that I look into the program at Harvard--they both said they were convinced that I could handle it, and that it seems to really fit the kinds of interests that I have.

The long and short of it is this: I am feeling incredibly encouraged to move forward with this PhD business--it's one thing to receive affirmation from my friends, but to have 5+ professors do the same, and/or to volunteer their advice and time to help out is really encouraging.

The night, I thought, was going to end at the Independence Bar with many of the Zeitah crew members. Ben, Michael, and I talked for an hour or so, then both Michael and I decided to leave. We hugged and said our goodbyes (though not for too long--it looks like New Orleans may be a "go" after all), and I walked home smiling, so thrilled with the chance to be able to spend some time with everyone.

Snuggled into bed, I awoke with a start when Erin came in...followed by Dale, Ben, and Dan. They all attacked me and demanded I joined in on all of the fun. Once I had the chance to actually wake up, I wasn't so angry.

But, it was a very late night.

Finally, I slept, but was again woken up--this time, by my phone ringing at 7:30 a.m. Imagine my surprise and excitement when I learned that it was CONOR...calling from GUAM! It's a local call! Yes!

So, I proceeded to sit in the Marriot hotel hallway for an hour and a half, and we managed to talk about everything--as per usual. It was really great to hear from him again.

Then, Ben and I found Dave, and the 3 of us left for Pittsburgh. A relatively uneventful trip, we found ourselves back in Pittsburgh by 3:30, then Ben was off to go be with his Grandma by 4. Then, I contacted various people who had expressed interest about the weekend (Brian, Brian, and Debbie), got myself packed up, had some dinner, then drove up to Cleveland. I got here at 9:30 or so, and got the chance to talk to Roommate en route. I'm doing laundry now, and J, Mat, and Rach will be here sometime this evening!!! Hurray!

Ben (Williams this time) and I are going to hang out sometime this week too--I think we might go to Janet's on Friday night, so that will be fun. Finally, I'll get to see people I haven't seen since June or even longer.


What a weekend. SBL '06 (in D.C.), here I come!!! And PhD...I'll see you in 2007. :0)

Ok, bye :0)

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Just so you all know...I'M DONE!!!!!!! TERM I IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!! :0)

That is all (but only for dramatic purposes, I actually have more to say that will come in another update)


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


There's something amusing about the fact that I was just listening to a track from Fiddler on the Roof (The Bottle Dance for those interested) while writing a paper about Jesus.


I'm feeling better today--the medication doesn't seem to be having the same effects that it did last night. And I'm able to focus to that I can finish everythin today, I think. Hurray!

Also, my family's cute. They just are. They make me smile. :0)

Ok, back to E.P. Sanders.

Oh, I should mention one of my most favorite comments of late. Yesterday at lunch, I asked Dr. Humphrey about the man in whose name she will be installed (she'll be the James D. Orr Assistant Professor of NT or something along those lines). She isn't actually familiar with him, but had this to say about their differing theology: "It's okay if our theologies didn't agree. He's up in Heaven, and they'll be sure to correct his mistakes there."


Only in seminary are comments like that funny. It's a truly sad life we lead. C'est la vie.

Bye :0)


Well, I tried to go to bed nearly two hours ago, but I'm up and sick--I'm not sure if it's from dinner or from the new medication I got at the hospital today, but either way, I'm incredibly uncomfortable. This would be less of an issue if I didn't have a final at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

With all that being said, today hasn't been such a bad day, though it was rather disappointing towards the end...Actually, today hasn't been such a great day either.

I woke up bright and early, and was incredibly productive for the first few hours of my day--laundry, paper-writing, etc. I went to lunch and to do a couple of on campus errands, and my day quickly went down hill. Basically, after conversations with Mom, Cathy (Dr. Neides' nurse up at the Cleveland Clinic) and a couple of other people, the decision was made that I needed to have my foot looked at. Of course, because stuff like this just happens to me, going to the doctor meant I did not get to go hear James Dunn speak. GRRRRR!!! I was so excited to begin my full-on nerdosity before SBL even arrives (this weekend) but noooo...I have to go and have a dumb foot issue.

So, I went to the hospital (thanks to Debbie, my chauffeur) and, after a few xrays and a couple of trips in the wheelchair, I received my diagnosis: Plantar Fasciitis, which basically means I have small tears in the tissue of my foot...The treatment: an exceptionally fashionable boot thingee that I'll get to wear all over Philly, medicine that (so far) makes me miserable, and the charge to soak my foot 3+ times/day and walk as little as possible. Ha. Ha. Ha.

On the plus side, I finally have wireless back in my apartment! Yesss!!!

Also, on a fantastically bright note, I'm currently chatting with ROY!!! This is the first time I have heard anything from him since Katrina...he's now living in Houston and commuting to U of H for the time being. Roy is a great guy--he's one of those guys who you know is going to make such a difference in his own corner of the world, so you just hope that his corner of the world is a big one. There are a few people I've met in the past year about whom I feel that way...it's 11:30, so I can't promise a complete list, but the people who come to mind first that would absolutely be in that category include: Roy, Michael, Ben, Dave C., Matt B., Keith, Elizabeth, Ron G., and others.

Oddly enough, I just got an IM from Katherine--haven't talked to her in centuries.

Now I'll never get to bed.

Bye :0)

Monday, November 14, 2005


Ok, now I want to feel better. In lieu of comfort food, I've chosen a healthier alternative, comfort stats:

Here are the teams over whom the Browns have a all time winning record in the regular season:

Cardinals, Falcon, Bills, Bears, Bengals, Cowboys, Texans, Colts, Patriots, Saints, Giants, Jets, Eagles, Steelers, 49ers, Buccaneers, Titans, Redskins.

Yes! :0)


Dear Steelers fans,

A brief note to clarify a few things with you:

1. Yes, I watched the game last night.
2. Yes, I know the outcome.
3. No, I don't appreciate the commentary...I didn't talk smack to any of you, after all.
4. Wait a couple of years, then we'll talk again.

By the way...the Browns and Steelers have now faced off a total of 105 times in the regular season. The record? Cleveland Browns 55, Pittsburgh Steelers 50.

Direct from the Dawg Pound,


p.s.--Thanks to those of you who, while not being Browns fans, at least supported the Browns in their quest last night. Now, contrary to everything I used to believe, I just have to root for the Bengals to win the AFC North. If my team can't do it, they are certainly the second best option.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

little peggy ann mckay

Last day of classes! (Except for one on Monday)

I feel like the term has flown by all too quickly to be that excited about its coming to a close. After all, I really like the people in my classes, so it's never that fun to do the old "switcheroo" every ten weeks. Oh well, nonetheless, the time has come.

Doctrine was fun today...first, we listened to this woman talk about the Wesley family for awhile (read: Doug and I wrote back and forth to each other on his laptop). Then, we split into groups to discuss John Wesley for awhile...George, in trying to "mix it up" a bit for the last day put Arnie, Jon, Keith, and I into one group. He really should have known better. So, we spent way too long doing nothing and not very long doing what we needed to do. So then, we got back to class and George sent all of us on a 20 minute break.

At that point, Keith proceeded to create a life story for me since he didn't know anything but has decided that I am rich (I made that decision about him too, so we bicker back and forth about it all the time). Whether or not he's right is, of course, not the point...plus, correcting him doesn't seem to help. The story is as follows:

Apparently, my grandparents (both sets) traveled here from Ireland as a result of the famine. They struggled to survive, but eventually hit upon the gambling industry. As that was profitable, my dad (apparently, his name is Sam) decided to take on the family business. One day, as he was out scanning other equally seedy joints, he met a waitress and used the following pickup line to win her heart: "Is your dad an astronomer, because I can see stars in your eyes." While this wouldn't normally work, it was hugely effective on the woman who, we find out, is my mom, because her name is actually "Star."

Unfortunately, class resumed, so Keith was not able to finish telling what proved to be a brilliant and almost accurate story...(or not).

For the record: the grandparents were all born in the states, have never worked in gambling, and my parents are Steve and Susan, not Sam and Star.

Anyway, the weekend has officially begun, and with that, I will be doing oh-so-much reading, writing, and studying.

My plan is to finish all things academic by Wednesday, and then I will use Thursday to clean my apartment, begin decorating for Christmas, and Ben will arrive sometime that evening, I imagine. Hurray!

Also, I am going with Tom, Keith, Josh, Allen, Matt, and possibly Dr. Humphrey to hear James G.D. Dunn speak on Tuesday evening about the Quest for the Historical Jesus. Fascinating stuff...plus, I'm currently reading a book on the subject by E.P. Sanders...I'll elaborate on it once I've finished reading (if you're really lucky, maybe I'll even post my paper).

Ok, bye :0)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Ok, finally, after four months, I can say something.

We had a great big huge ginormous find in Israel this summer.

And it's in the NY Times today (page A 11...I know because I bought two copies, and it's also available online for subscribers), being announced in a press conference this afternoon, and the most in-depth announcement will come in Philadelphia next week. And, that's right, I'LL BE THERE! Woo hoo! :0)

Ok, more on this later, but I'm too excited about it to really type at the moment (plus, I'm enjoying my Venti Soy No Water Chai!) :0)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I have decided to do a post wherein I run the splices and, without worrying about context or if it makes sense, I will select the default word that is offered.

I, Kristin, am 24 years old. I was born in Louisville, KY, but really call Aurora, Oh my home. I live in Pa now--my third state (diarrhea).

I think splices is funny because it's so frequently wrong.

Using it (ever) reminds me of the days when Jane (my freshman roommate) would arbitrarily select a word without having any idea what any of them meant. How did she do so well in school?

Earlier today, Brian and I had a conversation about me being ditzy. I really think he ought to meet Jane if he wants to meet a "ditzy" in the absolute truest sense of the word.

Ok, on to splices! Yah!


(pooh--I'll go back and bold all of those things that are changed, though it should be fairly clear, I think).

Now that that's over...I'm rather amused. :0)

Bye :0)


Ten reasons to be happy today:

1. Our MS02 potluck was a success...shockingly enough, our group is really bonding (we have a sort of motley crew in there, but having Dr. Creach and Mike Hoyt as our advisors helps a great deal).

2. Dr. Son has extended the due date for our final project (mostly because he hasn't bothered to explain any part of it and it was originally due on Thursday).

3. Dr. Hainsworth liked the draft of my paper so much that I don't need to resubmit it!

4. Today, Brian stopped by my office while I was working...just because. It makes me smile to have friends who are that random, and that fantastic.

5. Dr. Tappy's making "the announcement" tomorrow! And, I'll be going to Starbucks in the morning to pick up some coffee and two or three copies of the Times!

6. Two weeks until I get to hang out with the Smiths and Henthorns in Cleveland! Plus, I'll have a hair appt., get new frames, and won't have to worry about any homework the entire time!

7. Just over a week until Ben gets here, and one day beyond that until SBL!!! Hurray!

8. I talked to J today for a little bit. If I need a smile, I can always call her and get it. Even if we're both having crappy days, it seems like we always find reasons to laugh. And frown smile. :0)

9. Over the past day, I've gotten emails from: Conor, Caleb, Barb, Gramma, and other random people with whom I don't get to have conversation on a very frequent basis.

10. Matt Bell is (most likely) Person #6 for the Vietnam trip!

Yay. Things are good. And, despite my insane business at the present, I am feeling as stressfree as I can. Hurray! :0)

Ok, bye.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Hoo Hoo!

Here we go Brownies, here we go...HooHoo!

The Browns won, beating the Titans 20-14. Hurray!!!! :0)

Now, what would be even more brilliant is if, somehow, the Steelers lost to Green Bay. It does help that Ben is out today (all Browns fans are hoping he is still recuperating next Sunday when we face them here in Pittsburgh). The Ravens went down to the Bengals. Miami won. WVU won. Aurora won! Brilliant weekend for the Henthorn Favorites!

It is critical that the Brownies not lose their focus however. Next Sunday night. The Cleveland Browns face the Pittsburgh Steelers in Pittsburgh. Bring it, Cowher!

Ok, I have a ridiculous amount of work to do, and Browns gear to flaunt. Hurray! :0)

Saturday, November 05, 2005


I have had several random thoughts going through my mind lately, none of which are even remotely helpful in completing the myriad of tasks that eagerly await my attention between now and two weeks from now (less than, really).

Take, for example, my male friends. After having a discussion yesterday with one of my favorite guys ever, who ended things by telling me, "I need to poop," I came to the conclusion that a startling majority of my male friends (at least 86%) are obsessed with butts. They feel the need to frequently engage other much less interested parties in their stories of defecation, and seem to be more observant as to the length, size, color, and curvature of their "dump", than they are about anything important: their girlfriend's birthday, their parents' phone number, their history final on Tuesday. None of these equates to the glory and import that bodily excretion holds.

But, that's not all...I find that, in addition, some of my very favorite guys have another rear-ended joy--they LOVE TO MOON PEOPLE. I remember a time when two friends, who shall here remain nameless, felt so inspired to bare their derrieres that, in fact, they jumped on the hood of my vehicle (at that time, I was driving a 94 Ford Ranger) and, because mooning wasn't enough, they left for me the gift of two rather large butt prints on my windshield. I'm here to tell you that washer fluid does not elminate butt prints. Perhaps it's the fact that oil and water don't mix. Perhaps it's that the prints were all too well engrained into the glass. Or, perhaps, this was further evidence that God has an incredible sense of humor, and wishes to encourage all of us to embrace the bodies we've been given.

However, I have a bit of advice for some of the men in my life who have this urging, but wish to not be the "butt" of jokes:

1. If you have zits on your butt, don't bother to moon. Wait until next week when it's all cleared up. This brings to mind an experience I had in a Jerusalem hotel. Gathered with 6 or 7 friends, all was well with the world, until one of the two guys felt compelled to go out on the patio (with a sliding glass door). Seconds later, we got a shot of his butt...One girl among us (more brazen than the rest...at least, in this instance) begin to sputter, then, with all the grace she could muster, stated, "That's disgusting (insert name here), I was sitting so close, I could see all the zits all over your butt." Don't let this happen to you.

2. Should you feel the need to moon, be sure that people who might take offense to the situation, and thereby take action against said mooning, are not present. Like, for example, parents...(In my case, one parent would laugh and the other would cringe).

3. If you're with your girlfriend, don't moon your ex. I can't think of any circumstances wherein this is a good idea, unless, of course, you have a particularly bad butt, and your ex won't leave you alone, and you feel the need to share with her just how bad your butt is so she won't try to call you again. Even then, you may want to run it past your current attraction...I imagine she won't be too excited about the idea.

4. How do you increase the impact of your moons? Moon less! People will be more taken with your behind if they don't see it every day. You wouldn't want to desensitize them to the experience, thereby rendering it useless, would you?

I've had other random thoughts lately as well, but given that I've now allocated a full 23 minutes to the authorship of this profundity, my other thoughts and queries need to be put on hold.

Thank you for your time. :0)
